We accept the following payment options;
ACH - we will provide account information separately if you would like to use this option.
Check or money order or cashier check - make it payment to ASVY Corp and mail it to the address shown below, please allow two weeks of processing time when paying by regular check. A $100 service fee will be charged for a returned check.
PayPal - let us know in advance and we will send you an email with PayPal invoice and payment link, a processing fee of 4% will be added to the invoice.
Veem - we will send you a link via email.
Venmo - send payment to Victoria Yang/ASVY-Corp. If pay from a business account, a processing fee of 3% will be added for payment.
Wire - we will provide wire instruction when needed. $15 domestic wire fee and $25 international wire fee will be included. You are responsible for the additional wire processing fee from your financial institutions.
Zelle Quick Pay - send payment to asvycorp@gmail.com.